Thursday, January 25, 2007


By Patricia Reaney

LONDON (Reuters) - Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder but other people's opinions matter too when it comes to the attraction between men and women, according to researchers.

They found women are more attracted to a man if other women like him too.

"We tend to think about things like attraction as reflecting a private decision or a personal choice but our work shows that people's attractiveness judgements can be influenced in pronounced ways by what other people appear to think of those individuals," said psychologist Dr Ben Jones.
Jones, of the University of Aberdeen, and his team tested the impact of the opinions of others by giving women a test in which they had to choose the more attractive of pairs of male faces and to rate how much more handsome they found them.

They were then shown a short video in which the same faces were displayed. But each face was being looked at by a woman smiling or one showing a bored or neutral expression.

After watching the video, the researchers repeated the initial test.

"We found that the slideshow caused women to become more attracted to the men who were being smiled at by other women," said Jones.

The test had the opposite effect on men however, possibly because of the competition factor amongst males.

When men were asked to look at the same male faces, those who got the approving female glances became less appealing.

"This shows that people are using cues to the attitudes of others toward individuals to shape their own attractiveness judgements of those individuals," Jones told Reuters.

The findings, which are reported in The Proceedings of The Royal Society B journal, are similar to mate choice copying seen in other species and are thought to be the first time it has been shown in humans.

Positive female interest in the faces increased the women's preference for the males but it had the opposite effect on male judgements.

Jones suggests the positive reaction conveys a sense of approval for women but the negative male reaction could reflect jealousy or competition.

"If I go to a bar with Brad Pitt, for example, chances are I'm not going to get much interest from the women because Pitt will hog all the attention," he said.

Sometimes it is true that people are influenced by others' cues when it comes to attractiveness judgements. It can be contagious. Physical appearance is a starting point. After that, presentation follows and goes a long way.

Since we are talking about beauty as being perceived by others, i am going to mention a little bit about eye contact because that is the most obvious and is usually the first thing that people notice in body language.

How to enhance your own attractiveness when it comes to eye contact?
Establish eye contact. This is one of the most important tools and a big determinant factor in enhancing one's attractiveness. A friendly glance, relaxed gaze sends the message that I want to connect with you. Avoidance of eye contact signals rejection. Establishing eye contact opens the door to potential, further interaction. It is imperative that we look at each others' eyes when we are talking. This is how we make a connection with someone through body language. It helps strengthen rapport and increases our likability because it signals interest in the conversation. And it leaves the other person with a positive impression about us. Wondering eyes signals disinterest. Of course, intense staring at someone is considered rude and may make them feel uncomfortable.

Also, when the article mentioned that males (pictures) 'who got the approval female glances became less appealing' to other males, it is obvious there is that competition factor. I have also heard that a guy wants to punch the lights out of another guy who looks at a picture of an attractive woman, given that both guys find the same woman to be appealing/attractive. So yes, there's definitely jealousy and competition among our male species, too. I guess females aren't the only ones into catfights!!:D:D:D


Fountain of Useless Information said...

Can you please tell your female friends to smile at me so I can increase my attractiveness?





Well Mar, ya know I always promote my single friends, including yourself<:-D
As much as I request my single guy friends to entertain the ladies; no doubt, I will tell my ladies to smile at you when they come around your way...:D:D:D

It's a beeeaauutiful thang because it's a win-win situation for both the ladies & the fellas!! The fellas entertain the ladies & the ladies are happy and smilin away at the effect, enhancing both parties' attractiveness towards each other!!:):):)

So it's all good!! I got your back!!:D:D:D